Day 3 – “Myeloma Monday” Saving the Best for Last

Jack Aiello |

Before providing details of our final full day at ASH (noting #abstract where applicable), let me review some activities from yesterday (Sunday 12/8/19). In the morning I attended a number of myeloma cancer care delivery abstracts (#383, #423, #424) where topics like diversity and racial/socioeconomic impact were discussed. Black/African-American patients are less likely to have […]

The Magic of ASH

Tiffany Williams |

Every year living with myeloma marks new milestones. This year, I celebrated my 5-year re-birth, 6th year since being diagnosed, my 30th wedding anniversary, my 52nd birthday, and another year of amazing memories with my children. I have so much to be thankful for. I don’t take for granted each and every milestone. This year […]