Cindy Chmielewski on ASH background

Immunotherapy – Front and Center

Cynthia Chmielewski |

Immunotherapy was front and center at this year’s American Society of Hematology’s (ASH) meeting. There even was an Education Session presented by Drs. Shah, Cohen and Borello on this topic. When I first attended the ASH Annual Meeting in 2012, immunotherapy was still in its infancy. The treatments that were being examined in clinical trials back […]

Monoclonal Antibodies Take ASH by Storm

Linda Huguelet |

Monoclonal antibodies are becoming the backbone of treatments for relapsed and refractory patients, but they are also making their way into the front-line setting for newly diagnosed patients. The first official day of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Conference was filled presentations, posters, and exhibits touting the effectiveness of this drug class. I would […]