Robin Tuohy

Robin Tuohy became a passionate advocate in the myeloma world in 2000 when her husband, Michael was diagnosed. In 2005 she began working for the International Myeloma Foundation, and is now Vice President Support Groups. Robin attends most major myeloma medical meetings and seminars to learn and share key updates and hope with other patients and caregivers. Robin leads the IMF’s Support Group team and oversees approximately 160 U.S. myeloma specific support groups. She is responsible for the IMF’s Support Group Leaders Summit, Myeloma Action Month program, Living Well Conference Calls, and leads a group of patients that are support group leaders at the American Society of Hematology (ASH) annual meeting. Robin and her husband, Michael also founded and co-lead the Connecticut Multiple Myeloma Fighters Information Group.

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Some of My Favorite Things from #IMFASH19

Robin Tuohy |

Hello everyone, since it’s that time of year when we are thinking about “All of Our Favorite Things,” I thought it would be nice to share with you just a glimpse of some of my favorite things from at ASH. These are in no particular order, except chronological, so I can think about each day’s […]

An Evening of Hope Through Patient Stories and Research

Robin Tuohy |

Each year at the American Society of Hematology (ASH) meetings, the International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) presents a program entitled “Living Well with Myeloma and the 2020 Brian D. Novis Grant Awards Reception.”  In 1995 the IMF established the Brian D. Novis Research Grant program in memory of its co-founder. The grants are awarded annually to promote […]

Highlighting the Past to Look to the Future

Robin Tuohy |

Hi Everyone!  This PRE-ASH blog is my way of sharing with you *highlights of the past to help us refresh our memories and to prepare us for #ASH19!  It’s also about reading up on the various “ASH Top 10 for 2019” lists.  Here’s Dr. Durie’s list: For those of you that are also on […]